Elitas Staff Arms Workout (31/12/2015)

We wanted to finish 2015 with a bang.  What better way to christen the new gym than with a team arms workout followed by a belated Christmas meal!  Here is a quick run through what we did with a few notes:


A1 – Bi acromial grip pin press with bands 4 x 3 (rest 2 mins)

Heavy pressing to stimulate high end motor units of the triceps and potentiate the remainder of the workout.  The resistance bands overload the top of the movement, resulting in greater recruitment of the triceps than a standard press.  The barbell was set up on pins a couple of inches above the chest and came to a dead stop between each rep.


A2 – Neutral grip chin up 4 x 3 (rest 2 mins)

Heavy pulling to stimulate high end motor units of the biceps and potentiate the remainder of the workout.  Extra weight was added using a dipping belt. 


B1 – Flat DB Press 3 x 8-10


B2 – Overhead rope cable triceps extensions 3 x 10-12

The extra stretch in the triceps from the overhead position is a nice contrast to the position adopted during the flat press and results in a lot more muscle damage.


B3 – Supinated chin up 3 x 8-10


B4 – 60O incline DB curl 3 x 10-12 (rest 2 mins)

The same idea as the overhead triceps work.  Positioning the upper arm behind the body puts the long head of biceps in a much greater stretch.


C1 – Standing BB curls 3 x 12+



C2 – Cable triceps straight bar pushdowns 3 x 12+ (rest 1 min)


D1 – Skull crushers with manual resistance 1 x 20

Using an empty EZ bar, the training partner applies manual resistance to both the eccentric and concentric phase of the movement.  The resistance varies throughout the set to work the muscles as hard as possible.


E1 – Standing BB curls with manual resistance 1 x 20

The resistance varies throughout the set to work the muscles as hard as possible.